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Last Updated: March 25th, 2024

Ten tips on how to make networking work for you

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It is probably no surprise to any of you that I love networking. Having first started attending events all the way back in 2007 and setting up Coffee and Connect in 2008 I have been to more networking meetings than I can remember!

So, I thought it might be helpful to share my top ten tips for how to make networking work for you and your business:

  1. The best networkers focus on how they can make connections for other people rather than just thinking about how they can get business for themselves.
  2. Successful networking is about meeting new people AND building stronger relationships with people you already know so do both in equal measure.
  3. When you are chatting in the open networking sessions share your knowledge and expertise generously you want to be the person who immediately comes to mind when someone asks “Do you know anyone who…?”
  4. Keep your one-minute introduction simple, easy to remember and consistent. So, after your name and business name give a brief overview of what you do. Then focus on one particular aspect of your work (changing this each month) – perhaps sharing a piece of advice or knowledge that demonstrates you are an expert in this area.
  5. It is not what you say but how you say it that counts most in your introduction – enthusiasm and positivity really are infectious.
  6. Remember to SMILE and have fun!
  7. But also remember you are in a business environment so be professional too.
  8. Follow through on any actions you have promised e.g., sending information or contact details and if you are the recipient of such information, please remember to say thank you.
  9. Please do not just pick up everyone’s business card and send e-mails out to everyone, successful networking is built on trust and getting to know people.
  10. Most importantly, you need to attend regularly; people need to get to know you and trust you… and that takes time.

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