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Market Research

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I expect many of you reading this will never have considered using qualitative market research in your business, however talking to your existing customers can throw up some really useful insights.

A well conducted market research interview can discover the real reasons people use your service – and some of those answers may surprise you.

I am sure you can detail all the very specific practical benefits of your service but sometime it is the more intangible factors that people appreciate. For example, one of the things I really value about one of my suppliers is how calm they are when faced with a problem.


What do your customers love about your business?


Once you know why your customers use your service you can incorporate these factors into your marketing messages.

This means that you can then connect with potential customers in a very specific and more relevant way, thereby enabling you to produce more effective marketing material.

(Of course this also links back to understanding who your target customers are.)  


You can also use qualitative research to find out what customers don’t like about using your service.

Issues flagged up here can often be easily fixed, helping you retain that customer on a long-term basis and, as we all know, your existing customers are your most valuable asset.

Plus, these types of “we have been listening” updates make great newsletter content, again helping you with your marketing messages.  


Undertaking qualitative market research requires significant preparation to put together a detailed interview structure that covers all the areas where information is needed.

However, the qualitative nature of such a project allows the interviewer to depart from this plan if they consider it may elicit useful information.

Whilst the main interview structure should always be completed, in my experience (nine years of working on qualitative research projects) often the most illuminating comments result from those non-scripted moments.

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Dynamic Research Ltd.
Suite Two, Victoria House
South Street, Farnham GU9 7QU

Company Number: 3620947

Registered Address
Dynamic Research Ltd.
Suite Two, Victoria House
South Street, Farnham GU9 7QU

Company Number: 3620947

Registered Address
Dynamic Research Ltd.
Suite Two, Victoria House
South Street, Farnham GU9 7QU

Company Number: 3620947

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