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Call Mel Wardle on

01252 625683


marketing professional copywriting service mel wardle
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Producing copy is a key part of any marketing plan and most business owners I know have lots of knowledge and expertise they want to share.

Indeed, one of the most effective ways to gain new business is to become known as being an expert in your field.

I can help you demonstrate your knowledge by writing:

  • Website copy
  • Blogs
  • Newsletters
  • Features for print
  • Articles for LinkedIn

I worked with many business owners during my 19 years of publishing magazines who had specialist knowledge, for example in the field of health (Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Nutritionists etc.) and professional services like Accountants and Solicitors.

My speciality is making these types of more complex topics into an easy, interesting “read” thereby building your credibility and reputation and establishing your brand.

This type of long-form copy also gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your personality and approach so that you attract the type of clients that you want to work with.

As you might expect from my magazine background I can also write/edit copy for that time when “less is most definitely more” i.e. for your:

  • Adverts
  • Leaflets
  • Social Media Posts


One of the most challenging tasks for any writer is editing but magazine publishing has definitely honed my editing skills – when you only have space for 500 words on a page you have no other option!

So, if you have pages of unwieldy content where you simply downloaded your thoughts onto "paper" I can help edit those insights into useable content i.e. a piece with a clear, logical structure and an interesting story which people will want to read from beginning to end.


Finally, just a quick work about re-using content. When you have put a lot of effort into producing a piece of long-form copy that is only the start.

Firstly, you can edit it or extract key points to become a blog or social media post; maybe you can use some of the information in a newsletter or run an advert.

Secondly, you can re-use all this information further down the line; a change of headline or maybe altering the emphasis and you have lots of material to publish in the future as well.

I love re-purposing content to maximise its value so I can help you with this as well.

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Registered Address
Dynamic Research Ltd.
Suite Two, Victoria House
South Street, Farnham GU9 7QU

Company Number: 3620947

Registered Address
Dynamic Research Ltd.
Suite Two, Victoria House
South Street, Farnham GU9 7QU

Company Number: 3620947

Registered Address
Dynamic Research Ltd.
Suite Two, Victoria House
South Street, Farnham GU9 7QU

Company Number: 3620947

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